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13 and Running a Business? It’s Honestly Margo.

Honestly Margo

A little while back, we stumbled across Honestly Margo- a beauty business focusing on all-natural lip balms made from pure ingredients. We loved their mission and their honest approach to business! Then we found out Honestly Margo was started by Margo, a 13 year old girl with LOTS of motivation and passion.

She started Honestly Margo when she was just twelve years old. We were incredibly impressed by her story and HAD to make Margo a Statement Maker! Check out our interview with Margo below!

Honestly Margo

Tell us a little about yourself. Who is Margo?

Well I’m a 13 year old girl that likes to hang out with her friends and go to the movies. I have some great friends that are really supportive! I also LOVE to play soccer! Soccer is a big part in my life. I love fashion and being on Pinterest lol. I’m a normal girl that likes to have fun and hang out! I love 24 on fox!! MY FAV SHOW EVER!!!!!! I also really love beauty and taking care of myself. I guess this is me!

What is Honestly Margo?

Honestly Margo is the lip balm company that I created when I was 12. When I was younger (younger than I am now) I would always try to make things and sell them to my friends and people I knew so when I thought of lip balm I knew it was perfect. I came up with my natural amazing formula and I sold them to my friends! They LOVVEED them so my mom suggested that we take it bigger and that is exactly what we did!

How did you come up with the idea? Why all natural lip balm?

I tried to sell everything when I was younger from cat collars to an online art shop. I have always loved beauty and taking care of myself so lip balm was perfect since it had no color and I could wear it everyday. I think things that are natural and healthy for us are good because there are so many things that are unhealthy that we use in our day to day life.

Is it difficult balancing school, extracurriculars, running your own business, and still finding time to be a 13 year old? How do you manage? And what keeps you motivated to do it all?

If you organize your time and designate when you will be doing what it’s not very hard. Sometimes I’m exhausted from sports or school but you have to get your work done. You also have to prioritize. I always make sure I have my homework done and then I do Honestly Margo work. If you don’t put work into it, nothing will come out of it. To accomplish your dream you have to be willing to work.

Honestly Margo seems to just keep growing and growing! How many stores carry your lip balms now?

Currently we are in 24 stores and 4 states and growing. You can get a full list for the stores I’m in at

Where can we get some of your lip balms for ourselves?!

You can get my products in some stores in Oklahoma, Texas, New Jersey, and New York. BUT you can also get them at my website at

What’s next for you? Will you expand Honestly Margo to include more beauty products?

Right now I don’t know what the future holds. Honestly Margo could expand or go into many other things. BUT I will be blogging VERRYYY soon so keep a look out for that!

You’re such an inspiration. What advice do you have for any other girls or women who are considering starting their own business?

Thank you soooo much!! I advise girls to take chances and to believe in yourself. If you put in the work and believe in yourself you can accomplish your goals!

Lastly, what is your favorite flavor? We think Fruity Colada sounds delicious!

Hmmmm…it’s a hard question because I love them all but my favorite has to be our new RUBY! I love the berry flavor and it’s so moisturizing like all the others!!

Shop Honestly Margo’s lip balms!

Check out her blog!

Shop Honestly Margo’s Customized Girl Storefront!

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