Looking for a few ideas on how you can spend your last precious hours of summer? Need to check a few things off your summer bucket list before the leaves start to change color? We love making the most out of our summer season and it sounds like you do too! So we at Customized Girl have come up with a few ideas on how you can get the most out of your remaining summer weeks before the air gets chilly! Read below to see a few of our last-minute summer bucket list ideas.
1. Last Minute Trip To The Pool
Now’s your chance to go to the pool or beach if you haven’t had the chance this summer! If you’re reading this in mid to late August, chances are that all the kids have finally gone back to school, which means that all your local pools should be pretty empty for the most part. Indulge in a little time by the water now before it’s too cool to wear that bikini.
2. Check Out Your Local Amusement Parks
You’ll notice a theme with this blog, that being that all the kids are back in classes leaving all the fun stuff for us adults to enjoy! If you haven’t had a chance to hop on a roller coaster or eat some greasy food, now would be a great time to check out your local theme and amusement parks. This late in the season we would imagine lines are going to be pretty short for all the best rides. You may even be lucky enough to get some discounted pricing on tickets!
3. Take A Quick Trip
This late in the summer season it may not be feasible to take a whole week off for vacation, but why not take a Friday and Monday off and give yourself a nice 4-day vacation? Plan a trip somewhere nearby that you can easily drive to and explore some of the lesser-known features of your state or neighboring states. Most people will have already gotten their travel out of their system leaving all the best sights for you to enjoy without the big crowds!
4. Have That Last Cookout Of The Summer
Not that you can’t cook out in the fall too, it may even be preferable with the cooler weather, but you might as well have a few more ‘summer’ cookouts while it still counts! Grab the burgers, corn, and watermelon and your red checkered table cloth for your last round of summer cookouts before we start throwing pumpkins on the grill!
5. Set Off The Last Of Your Fireworks
This one is really just a house cleaning suggestion, but no one wants to hear fireworks after September 1st. So, pull the rest of your bottle rockets and roman candles out of that trunk you keep them in, and set them off while it’s still seasonally appropriate. We won’t be mad if it’s done before we get our first pumpkin spice latte.
6. Attend A Summer Sporting Event
Football season will be here in no time and that is sure to take up all of our attention. So, while summer is still here, make sure to go to any sports games you’ve missed out on. Go to a local baseball game and have yourself a hotdog, or hit up the golf course while the weather is still nice enough to be on the green. If you’re a big tennis fan, now’s the time to check out a game! Regardless, we’re still pumped for the football games to start up!
7. Buy Custom Sweatshirts For Your Fall Wardrobe
Now is probably the best time to start planning your fall wardrobe. You don’t want to be stuck out in the cold in your t-shirts and tank tops having to wait for some nice comfy and warm apparel to arrive at your house. Why not spend some time now customizing some comfy sweatshirts or soft stylish hoodies on Customized Girl? That way, you’ll already be bundled up when the cooler weather finally hits!