Customized Girl loves empowering individuals to be their best. We get so excited when we see a new storefront launch on our platform. Every day, more and more women are discovering storefronts and building their own brand.
Maybe it’s a fashion brand. Maybe it’s focused on giving back. Maybe it’s a brand that celebrates something fun, like coffee.
No matter what your focus, we think this represent a fundamental shift in how young people (and lots of awesome not-so-young people too!) are approaching their careers. Some call this the “rise of the creative class”.
We don’t want to go work in your corporate, soul-sucking, dead-end job. We want to be our own bosses. And with the internet, we can be. It’s never been easier – or more important – to build your own brand.
Each individual gets to decide what that means. What do you love? What can you not live without? How do you want to change the world? That can be your brand. You just have to build it. You just have to tell your story.
At Customized Girl, we are offering one more way to tell you story: through fashion. By “fashion” we mean “fashion on a massive scale”. Create your account. Create your store. And use our design center (add your own text, art, and images) to post your designs for sale. There it is.
Now you have your own fashion line. A new way to spread your brand. And it is available for the entire world to see and to shop. That is fashion on a massive scale. It’s fast and it’s free and, maybe, it could serve an important function. Not just to raise funds or earn more money, but to spread your message. To build your brand.
Think about it. You can find more info on our storefront platform here.