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Congratulations to the 2nd Design Contest Winner

Way to go, valerie.hampsey, your design was chosen as the winner of Contest 2. It was clever, funny, and personalized. Your design will be appearing in the April 4th issue of US Weekly!

We are very sorry that we couldn’t pick a hundred winners, because there were some really great designs.

There was one design in particular that was a very close runner-up. We’d like to send a second-place prize of a $50 Customized Girl Gift Card and a free shirt to comedygrl2004. We’ll be in contact shortly, comedygrl2004.

With that, Contest 3 is officially underway. To enter, simply create an awesome design, save it, and tag it “Contest 3”.


If you’ve never saved a design before, here’s a quick lesson:

Choose any piece of apparel from one of our many categories (we recommend Her Tops and Undies). In the Design Center you can add text, clipart, and your own images. Everything is adjustable, so feel free to experiment with the text styles, colors, sizes, etc.

Most importantly, be sure to save your design once you’re finished. Just click the save button in the Design Center, which looks like this:

On the next page name your design, choose the first tag from the drop down menu, and add “Contest 3” as an additional tag.

Be sure to leave your Share Option as “share”. Then click “Save” and you’re done!

We are not sure which issue of US Weekly we will be featuring the winner of Contest 3. The contest is open until we update this blog post with an ending date (probably in a few weeks).

*You must be 18 years old to claim your prize.

*Enter as many times as you want. You do not have to purchase your design to be entered into the contest. Thanks so much for participating and good luck!

26 thoughts to “Congratulations to the 2nd Design Contest Winner”

  1. COMEDYGRL2004, did you receive our email?

    ckirailidou, either way is fine, but it would be better to save it Contest 3 (with a space).

    Thanks again for all the interest!

  2. to Comedygrl2004:
    Check your junk email box for your notification, that’s where I found mine. Congrats too!

  3. i have a question….why is the greek flag not on my new designs??i uploaded the pic…no its gone… 🙁

  4. ive been having the same problem,with pics that ive uploaded and the clip art thats already provided by glamgirl. i have noticed that the ones that i added to my designs are no longer in the gallery though. maybe thats why

  5. Hi guys. Just to clarify, when we uploaded the new clipart we did remove a few of the little-used pieces. For example, almost no one used the handicap parking or railroad signs (for obvious reasons, in retrospect). If you had a design with one of those older pieces of clipart, the design should still be there, but without the clipart.

    I’m not sure what problems might cause missing uploaded images. Right now, there is a limit of ten uploaded images per user. It’s simply a storage space issue. There is also a 400kb size limit on each uploaded image. I hope that helps.

    ComedyGrl2004, we’ll send another email right now. Thanks!

  6. COMEDYGRL2004: We just sent another email to your hotmail address. Hopefully it gets there!

    ckirailidou: Right now, there is no determined end date to Contest 3. It will probably end in a few weeks. About your images: Do you have ten uploaded already? If you do, try deleting some old ones and adding new ones.

  7. Contest 3 has a winner!. Check out the new post at the top of this blog. Contest 4 has begun!

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