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Contest 7 Launches: Win a $250 Gift Card!

Contest 7 is officially underway.  Thanks again to all of our past contest entrants.  The turnout and quality of work has been terrific.

To enter the contest, simply create a design, save it, and tag it “Contest 7”.  It’s completely free and quite simple.

The winning design will be featured in US Weekly Magazine and we’ll send the winning designer a $250 Customized Girl Gift Card.

This contest will last through the month of September.


If you’ve never saved a design before, here’s a quick lesson:

Choose any piece of apparel from one of our many categories (we recommend Her Tops and Undies). In the Design Center you can add text, clipart, and your own images. Everything is adjustable, so feel free to experiment with the text styles, colors, sizes, etc.

Most importantly, be sure to save your design once you’re finished. Just click the save button in the Design Center, which looks like this:


(If you’re not already logged in, you’ll have to log in or create an account at this point. Don’t worry it’s super easy and takes 5 seconds.)

On the next page name your design, choose the first tag from the drop down menu, and add “Contest 7” as an additional tag.


Be sure to leave your Share Option as “share”. Then click “Save” and you’re done!

*See the Design Contest Policies here.

* This contest lasts through the month of September.  We’ve been holding regular contests for a while now, but our contest calendar is about to change.  Once this one is finished, we’ll launch contests on a seasonal or special event basis.

Past contest winners:


One thought to “Contest 7 Launches: Win a $250 Gift Card!”

  1. What’s going on with Contest 7? The LONG wait to find out the winner really takes the fun out of it… I liked the weekly contes much better – but if you can’t fo them every week – at least every month! There are tons of great designs posted for contest 7, we’ve been working our butts off trying to come up with fun catchy stuff – and NO REWARDl It kinda sucks… HONESTLY. are you going to continue the contest and pick a winner or not?

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