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Fundraising For Breast Cancer: Our Second Year With

We’re happy to announce that for the second year in a row, we have chosen to work with to raise funds and awareness in the fight against breast cancer.


Side-Out’s Mission:

Through youth education and empowerment, The Side-Out Foundation unifies the volleyball community to drive change in the way that breast cancer is treated.

By promoting healthy lifestyle initiatives through volleyball, Side-Out continues to make waves with their fundraising efforts in the war against breast cancer.

So, we’re excited to add once again to our growing list of charities:
2019 –
2018 –
2017 – The Breast Cancer Fund of Ohio
2016 – Think Pink
2015 – Think Pink
2014 – The Stefanie Spielman Fund for Breast Cancer Research
2013 – The Stefanie Spielman Fund for Breast Cancer Research
2012 – The Stefanie Spielman Fund for Breast Cancer Research

Volleyball gear continues to be some of our best selling product . This year we’ve added some newer gear, including Volleyball Compression Shorts and Leggings which utilize our fancy new stretchy film. Just make sure you customize your own Volleyball Backpack before heading off to the game!

We couldn’t do this without the help of or our customers, so for that we want to thank all of you . As always, a portion of your Breast Cancer Shirt purchases will go towards this fundraising effort.

Since 2012 we have been doing what we can through our fundraising campaigns to stop this terrible disease, and we’ll continue to do so until breast cancer is SPIKED into oblivion!

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