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New Winter Traditions For A New Normal

2020 has given us a lot of new experiences. Many of us are working from home or attending school virtually for the first time in our lives. Many of us learned the term “social distancing” for the first time. Some of us wore face masks for the first time in our lives this year. There were a lot of new things that were maybe not so welcome but needed to happen out of necessity.

Today, we want to celebrate some new things that we choose to do because they’re fun or because the old way of doing things just doesn’t quite work anymore. Read below to find out what some of our new favorite winter traditions are for a new normal.

# 1 Blowing Kisses Under The Mistletoe

In years past it was tradition to stand under the mistletoe with your special admirer and plant a holiday kiss right on their face. In a post-pandemic world, our new favorite mistletoe tradition is to stand under the mistletoe and just blow kisses to everyone standing a safe distance away! Just make sure to keep your mask on while blowing. Don’t want to spread any unnecessary germs.

# 2 Opening Gifts With The Family Over Zoom

Arguably the most important part of the holidays is opening gifts together. With many of us limited to the number of people we’re allowed to gather with it’s going to just be too difficult to fit the whole family in one room to open gifts this year. So instead, we’ll be hosting a Zoom meeting with our families just so we can all share and enjoy our gifts together without breaking any gathering limits. As long as we can still see each other’s smiles we’ll be fulfilled.

# 3 Attending Virtual Spiritual Services

Regardless of who or how you worship, spirituality is a huge part of the reason for giving. Unfortunately, 2020 has made attending your service of choice in person not only difficult but in some cases impossible which is why this year we’ll be attending our services online. Just remember to mute your microphone while the presenter is speaking…it’s just the kind thing to do.

# 4 Leaving Hand Sanitizer Out For Santa

For those of us that celebrate Christmas, leaving cookies and milk out for Santa has been a tradition for generations. With 2020 shaking up all things traditional, this year we’ve decided that we’ll be leaving Santa some hand sanitizer along with the rest of his treats. While Dr. Faucci has confirmed that Santa has immunity to COVID-19, the rest of us non-magical beings do not! This is why it’s so important to always wash your hands and use sanitizer even if you’re immune.

We all know that adjusting to new habits is difficult and often frustrating, but we hope our list has brought a smile to your face and possibly some positive ideas to mind on how we can all adjust our traditions when faced with new realities. From all of us at Customized Girl, here’s wishing you a safe and happy holiday season!

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