Hello and welcome to the 5th volume of the all about celebrities blog carnival. Thanks to everyone who submitted we got a lot of great things going for this edition. So without further adieu I give to you the 5th Volume of the All About Celebrities Blog Carnival. Naomi Stevens presents SEX & THE CITY […]
Big Wallets and Big Hearts: 20 Charitable Celebrities
Sometimes it can be both frustrating and mind-blowing to think that some celebrities make millions simply off their good looks and penchant for being in front of a camera. While many celebrities have arguably worked hard to earn their millions, it can still seem a little unbalanced in the scheme of things. Which is why […]
Ghost Ride The Celebrity Whip: 25 Stupid-Awesome Vehicles
When you make millions of dollars yet get everything for free, it can be challenging to figure out just how to spend your fortune. But these stars have it all worked out. They just blow their greenbacks on tricked out cars outfitted with more TVs than are commonly found in a five bedroom McMansion. Here […]
All About Celebrities Blog Carnival: Volume 4
Welcome to the 4th Edition of the All about Celebrities Blog Carnival. This has been a lot of fun for us to host thus far and we plan on continuing it as well. To link to The Customized Girl Blog and any of our editions of the All About Celebrities Blog Carnival use this code […]
Congratulations to the Winner of Contest 4!
Congrats to notjustanyprincess for winning Customized Girl’s Fourth Design Contest! She wins $200 and her design will be featured in the May 23rd issue of US Weekly. We like the design because it stands out, with very big text and nifty use of the soccer ball clipart to replace the “O”. We also like the […]
Maid Of Honor’s Bachelorette Party Guide: 50 Ideas and Resources (Updated for 2022!)
As Maid of Honor, one of your main duties is to send your best friend off in style with a wild and terrific party. Or if the bride is more low-key, perhaps a nice quiet evening in good company. There are lots of things you can incorporate into a bachelorette party to make the event […]
Customized Girl Design Contest 4: Win $200
Welcome back for another Customized Girl Design Contest! Simply create, save, and tag your design “Contest 4” for the chance to win $200 and the honor of viewing your design in the pages of US Weekly. Check out the winners of Contest 1, Contest 2, and Contest 3: This is an ongoing contest, so after […]
20 Celebrity Mental Breakdowns – Updated 2021
Hello loyal reader. You’ve stumbled across yet another one of our older blog posts that discussed a very sensitive topic. This blog post used to be about 20 different celebrities and their struggles with mental health and mental disabilities. As times have changed, so too has this blog post. We at Customized Girl believe it […]
Contest 3 has a Winner
Congrats to jumper_girl_06 for winning Customized Girl’s Third Design Contest! She wins $200 and her design will be featured in the May 2nd issue of US Weekly. We like the design because it’s personalized, it shows smart use of the skull-and-crossbones clipart (via the pirate theme), and it kinda rhymes (Sherry’s First Mate….Two Thousand Eight). […]
All About Celebrities Blog Carnival: Volume 2
Hello. Welcome to the Second edition of the All about Celebrities Blog Carnival. The first edition was great and we got a lot of fun an interesting submissions. We made some cuts for the last one to only bring out the best of the best. With that said, I give you the Second Edition of […]