At Customized Girl we do our best to provide you with the finest selection and the trendiest designs in custom apparel. We know that what you wear says a lot about you and that includes every aspect of your outfit from head to toe. That is why we wanted to give our customers not only […]
Tag: feature
Promposal Ideas
For most high schoolers, going to prom is a pivotal moment of their teenage life. The opportunity to dress up and dance the night away with your crush is a night that they will remember forever. Nowadays there is a major pressure to not only ask your crush to prom but how creative you are when you […]
Funny Running Shirts
All year long there are many organized running events – 5k’s, half marathons, whole marathons, color runs, charity runs, and everything in between. Each event has it’s own theme and depending on if your running is purely fitness related or raising funds for a cause, this gives you the perfect opportunity to create amazing running outfits. Customized Girl […]
Best Spring Break Crop Tops
Winter can feel like the longest and harshest season that will never end. Because of those grueling cold winters, most spring break destinations are to warmer or tropical temperatures. Spring breaker agendas typically consist of laying by the pool during the day and partying it up at night. While hotter weather means less clothing, your attire […]
Easter Baby Onesies
Easter is a special time of year where family and friends get together to celebrate deep-rooted traditions. Nowadays the feeling of togetherness with family can be limited so regardless of your reasoning for observing Easter, many jump on the opportunity to sit down with family and have a wonderful meal. What can make any holiday extra […]
St. Patrick’s Day Pinterest Ideas
At Customized Girl we really can’t get enough of Pinterest. It’s a great visual discovery tool that you can use to find ideas for all your projects and interests. We love to use Pinterest as a marketing tool but also to research the newest trends in custom apparel. The best part about Pinterest is the endless […]
Custom Trucker Hats For Spring Break
In the middle of the cold, brutal winter it can feel like spring and hopes for warmer weather will never arrive. Spring break is that light at the end of the tunnel for many students and families. So it’s not surprising that many take advantage of this week-long holiday to get some quality rest and relaxation. […]