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Win a FREE iPad from!

CONTEST IS NOW OVER. Congrats to Teresa Eastridge!

Become a Fan to Enter to Win a Free Apple iPad

We’re giving away a FREE iPad!! Below are the instructions on how to enter, as well as the rules. The contest will last until April 20th, 2010.

To Enter:

Step 1: Become a fan of Customized Girl on Facebook
Step 2: Tag “@Customized Girl” in your Status (must type “@Customized Girl”)
Step 3: Copy and paste this message after the tag “Win a FREE Apple iPad from! Become a Fan, tag “@Customized Girl”, then repost this message. Details:″

Final Post should look exactly like the image below:


Potential contest winners can enter to win once per week. You MUST be a fan of Customized Girl during the drawing. To re-enter, all you have to do is re-post the message to your status. Must be 18 years or older to enter. No Purchase Necessary. Winner will be chosen on April 21, 2010 at random and notified through Facebook.

If you win make sure to check out the custom iPad cases on Customized Girl or create your own iPad design.

26 thoughts to “Win a FREE iPad from!”

  1. Win a FREE Apple iPad from! Become a Fan, tag “@Customized Girl

  2. Tried this earlier & could not find my posts.. Sorry am not trying to enter more than once. Just trying to enter period. Hopefully this is done.

  3. Im a fan and dying to get a IPAd ty for the contest I tweet @waterbluffy and love ur shirts ty

  4. Iam a Fan of Your on Facebook, and I Shared the News With everyone There


  5. If There is anything Else You Would like me To Do Please let me Know, Iam praying so hard to win this For My Kids….

    Mother of 7 Children

  6. Sorry, I was a little confused on how to enter this as I wasn’t familiar with tagging on Facebook. I’ve heard of Poke but not tag, so I did post on your wall and mine too. I hope that is what you wanted.

  7. This is a really wonderful giveaway. I have always wanted one. I hoping l win. Thanks again.
    I am a fan.

  8. Step 1: Become a fan of Customized Girl on Facebook
    Step 2: Tag “@Customized Girl” in your Status (must type “@Customized Girl”)
    Step 3: Copy and paste this message after the tag “Win a FREE Apple iPad from! Become a Fan, tag “@Customized Girl”, then repost this message. Details:″

  9. Tagged and posted it on my Facebook wall Jill Bishop Hayes. Can you see it? Thanks!! Fingers crossed!

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