We’ve just updated our clipart categories, and we’d like to give a shout out to some of our favorite vector artists. We searched the web looking for cool vector art that was posted under an available license.
The following people have been awesome enough to post some of their vector art online and leave it open for anyone to download and use. Check out their sites, if for no other reason than to feel aesthetically inspired.
Dezignus – Great work and really cool silhouettes. (License)
Spoon Graphics – Amazing selection, beautiful blog design, cool safari animals and punk vectors. (License)
Digital Artist Toolbox – Lots of great art and cool interviews with vector artists. Nice vehicle and transportation work. (License)
Svyatoslav Palenyy – He’s a pretty young guy with incredible talent. His work includes all kinds of really cool stuff like sunglasses, cars, break dancers, and more… (License)
Dan Klimke – Girls with guns. Very cool. (License)
Mana Media – Lots of nice accents with elegant ornaments and flourishes. (License)
Vecteezy – The place for free vector art. They host other people’s art and also provide some of their own for download. (License)
Remember, if you download any of the art from these artists, it’s always nice to attribute the work with a link and a compliment. Thanks again, vector art community!