Cheer season never ends. There’s always time to test out new cheers, right? But what cheers should they be practicing the most? Here are the top ten cheers that really get the crowd going!
Special thanks to all the cheerleaders who added their own ideas and to all those cheer moms ordering our custom cheer bags, shorts, and more.
10. “Be Aggressive”
Be aggressive
B-E aggressive!
Be aggressive!
9. “Fight”
We’re gonna spell fight in a way that’s better
So when I say get on up, you just shout the letter,
Get on up, F,
Get on up, I,
Get on up, G,
Get on up, H,
Get on up, T,
What’s that spell?
What do we do?
One more time,
8. “You May Be Good At Football”
You may be good at Football
You may be good at Track
But when it comes to Basketball
You better watch your Back
Cardinals Attack!
(Stomp, Clap, Stomp Stomp, Clap, Stomp Stomp, Clap Clap, Stomp Stomp, Clap)
Repeat Once
Repeat Cheer and Stomp and Clap
7. “Big G Little O
Big “G” Little “O”
6. “Red Hot”
Our team is red hot,
Our team is red hot,
Our team is red hot,
Our team is r-e-d h-o-t.
Once we start, we can’t be stopped!
Let’s go, let’s go!
5. “Victory”
That’s the cardinal’s battle cry!
Victory, Victory, Victory!
4. “Super”
The S is for super and
The U is for united
The P is for perfection and you know we are excited
The E is for energetic and
The R is for Rad
so tell the other team
We’re the best and we’re glad!
3. “Knock ‘em Down”
Knock ’em down
Roll ’em around
Come on defense work, WORK!
2. “Hot to Go”
Triad Cards (clap)
Are hot to go
Hot to go
1. Any cheers by SNL’s “Spartan Cheerleaders” Spartan Spirit!
R.O.W.D.I.E. That’s the way we spell rowdy, rowdy let’s get rowdy. R.O.W.D.I.E. Spartan spirit! Spartan spirit! Spartan spirit!
So check us out. U.G.L.Y. you ain’t got no alibi. Your ugly, hey hey you’re ugly. K.I.N.G. You can’t take my king from me you’re ugly. Yeah yeah you’re ugly. Not cute. Spartan spirit, Spartan spirit.
We hope you found this useful. You know what else you might find useful? An easy way to customize and order cheer shirts, sweats, bags and more. And that’s exactly what we do at Customized Girl!
My team is the pink panthers. Our chant is:
Pink panthers rock! We are no one you can stop!
My Cheer Is
We, we are, we are the best
We, we will, never rest
We shall be up to a fest
i love them can i tell you my cheer:
H.I.N.T.S we’re gonna win cause we’re the best!! ( all my best friends first letter of their name put together.)
2, 4, 6, 8! who do we appreciate? not the king not the queen just this team!
i love this
My cheer is
We’re the tigers
We’re here to stay
So jump and and shout
“Yay yay we’re here to slay”
heres mine R-E-D red H-O-T hot we got all the stuff you know we’re bad we know it we’re here to show it goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo HUTCH
We have a fight song. It’s
O-skalooosa, O-skalooosa, Come on Oskaloo… SA!
Here’s your game and here’s your gang and you know we know you!
Every yank and yankee doodle yellls our battle cry,
so go Osky OSHS Osky high!
Go Osky Indians, go! go! go! Fight Osky Indians Fight! fight! fight! Let’s go, let’s fight, let’s win tonight!
I just simply adore your “ SUPER “ cheer!
I really really love these chants! So inspiring!
here’s my cheer, Were the best in the game, You Know our name, yell LCA lets hear it LCA ( do it again 3x)
ours is “lets go rebels lets go! you know you got this you know you cant resist! go hms!!”
how about are timber wolf team is dynamite were tiktiktiktik boom dynamite (2*
wow so many good cheers!
My cheer is”your scaring your shaking you know you ain’t gonna make it x3” and “who rocks the house I say the wildcats rock the house and when the wildcats rock the house they rock it all the way down x3”
Here’s my cheer;
Pork chop, Pork Chop greasy,greasy
We can beat those monkeys easy,easy! Ggggooo Dawgs!!!
Here’s mine:
Red come on white let’s here it C.S.E! (x3)
b aggressive
b aggressive
b b b b b aggressive
how do you spell aggressive?
It’s b b b b b aggressive
Repeat 2X
I need more cheers!!! I love your guys cheers!
One of our cheers your sitting and doing a clapping rhythm and saying CHS
Here’s my cheer
Bang bang Choo choo train come on (team mascot) do your thing
Get it get it got it got it uh and let it roll UH and take control
When you go bang bang you make finger guns and pretend to shoot
And then make it look like your pulling a horn on a train for choo choo train
You can make up the rest yourself just giving ideas
I believe the SNL Spartan ones are the WORST! The Kidsongs ones are the BEST:
S! S C! S C O R E!
We got the ball so let’s go let’s go! We got the ball so let’s go!
Defense hold them back! Defense hold them back!
Rah rah sis boom bah!
can yall make 5 yoemen ones cause i am trying out tomorrow so make it quick please also u can say YHS or YOE
We’re the Wildcats…
SHOUT IT OUT (Crowd involvement)
Shout That out ‘Cuz We’re the best
x3 times
OUTTA THE DEN (Crowd Involvement)
The cats are mean when they’re outta the den
Our Gym (Any sport played in the gym like volleyball and basketball)
This is our school
your playin’ in our gym
the wildcats have the power
to Go! Fight! Win!
Stomp and Shake it
we are the comets we want to see you stomp and shake it stomp and shake it
we are the comets we want to see you stomp and shake it stomp and shake it
so clap your hands and stomp your feet you know we can’t be beat
We are = (turn to right) downward v The comets= clap
We want= (turn left) downward v to see you= clap
Stomp= stomp to the right Shake It= turn to the right and shake your butt x2 (turn to the left)
We are = (turn to right) downward v The comets= clap
We want= (turn left) downward v to see you= clap
Stomp= stomp to the right Shake It= turn to the right and shake your butt x2 (turn to the left)
so clap = high v your= clap hands=turn/piviot stomp= low v your feet= turn back clap you know= high v we cant be beat= high kick
My fav cheers (and one I made up
W-I-L-D were wild! That’s what we’re gonna be!
You might be good at soccer, you might be good at track, but when it comes to football, you might as well step back!
We want a hotdog,we want a coke, we want a touchdown that’s no joke!
I love that you may be good at football cheer it helped me so much in my varsity cheer tryouts
one of my cheers that my school taught us was for the second grade because they had a test so we leaned forward and said rock and clap are hands and said this test and 3x and then cheered them on.
My fav cheer(i made it up)
Come on cougars you know what you got to do you got to rock with the white and roll with hte blue
Mary had a little lamb but cougars got that fooball jam
The Ball IS Black the Ball is white watch mustangs we will put up a fight
I love cheering I do cheer for red tornadoes in mount Carmel.