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We heart statements.

Statements are interesting little things.  Simple words strung together to leave an impact, encase a memory, or instigate a response.  Sometimes they are hilariously funny and inappropriate.  At other times, they are heavy and significant.  Sometimes, they have an air of sadness about them.  And still, sometimes statements are just plain cute.

At Customized Girl, we see all kinds of statements everyday.  Our customers often send their stories with their orders; talking excitedly about their hopes for their design and custom shirts.  This is interesting because these women aren’t passionate about shirt fabrics and print methods (which are the kind of things we geek out about). Rather, they enthusiastically talk about the idea behind their shirt design.

All of these women, stories, and statements have helped us discover something; statements have a unique way of connecting and moving us.

We like to think that we can help these statements make a beautiful impact.  From now on, our blog posts will fall into one of four main categories:

  • THE CUSTOM LIFESTYLE: Statements and thoughts that will make you laugh out loud and shake your head. There are numerous stories and trends going on right now that will fill you with emotions and we want to bring them to surface.
  • STATEMENT MAKERS: Interviews of women across the world who are making statements in small or large ways in their cities and communities. These powerful women should be celebrated for taking the initiative on a cause that is making a difference. We hope these women will inspire you to create a statement and message that is your passion.
  • BEHIND THE SEAMS: And, of course, we’ll still share some of our favorite designs to spark your statement-making potential. Since we’re constantly adding new designs and products, we want you to know what’s available to customize so you can make your statement and at the same time, look great in the latest styles!

There are few more changes you might notice today. The Customized Girl tagline has changed to “Make your statement.” And we’re launching a series of new “About” pages too. Check ’em all out:

We’re not just doing things differently with our blog and our brand. In the printing business, there is always room for improvement, and over the past nine months we have greatly improved our print quality thanks to state of the art techniques and our new drying system. We’re pushing the boundaries of digital printing to new levels!

Together, we are a community of statement makers.  We’ll be looking forward to your statements as you respond in the comments and across our social feeds.

We hope that you’ll join us as we celebrate statements!

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